Wednesday, May 30, 2018

How to feed your Exotic Pet

If you are reading this you might be either an Exotic pet owner or
planning on having one. Well, I would say, Congratulations! It has been
said that people that can handle the feeling of being with an exotic animal
is likely not to be a mediocre in all aspects of their life. Experts said that
they intend to be different in their choices but is often leading to successful

Their Food as their names suggests “exotic” feeding them is no different. Since at this
era, there are wide array of these extraordinary species, it is safe to say that the choices for exotic pet foods are also many. Several factors may play on selecting the food includes; the size of your pet, its own preference and on what kind of food you can deal working on.

Some of these foods are not too friendly if your sensitive. To mention a few,  rats, locusts, superworms, grasshoppers etc. You must also know that these foods comes in either dead or alive version. There will be times that you need to store the dead rats for future feeding and having that delivery man deliver to your door your live crickets(LOL).

The difference

As we might assume that there is in general a group of animals called “exotic pets”, there is a huge difference on care for example on a Snake and an Iguana. We can compare such to taking care of a Dog and a Rabbit.

Please do me a favor before you bring home any type of pet, please do your assignment. Do your research. Know everything about it, such as its nature, behaviour, the dangers and tips on caring such an animal.

Choosing the Food

It is not sufficient that we only pick the food that what we feel our pet will like. We need to make sure that you will get this type of food easily and you will get regular stocks, so you won’t have to go to the mountains to get them. Also think about yourself if you are able to handle this type of food.

Frozen Exotic food

The most common ones on this category are frozen dead rodents(it comes in different size and ages) and is mostly used to feeding snakes. This is the most logical and ethical way to feed them because it is safe and it is not time consuming than breeding live rats to feed your pet.

You may also encounter frozen chicks(one day old chicken), rabbits, gerbils, small lizards or even guinea pigs.

You might also think that these type of foods are only of the snake. Well you are wrong. Large Lizards, Tarantula and some species of Centipede are feeding on these foods as well.

Related : Get Fresh and Nutritious Exotic Pet Food Click Here!

Live food

Live foods for Pets are mostly live insects that can be bought on tubs or bags that differ in sizes. If frozen goods are mostly for snakes, Livefoods caters to a broader types of exotic pet.
This type of food helps its eater in various ways. For example pets like tarantula and praying mantis might require this type of food because the movement of the prey is needed to trigger the predator instinct. While reptiles like lizards require insects for dietary purposes.

Commercially available Live Foods are feeder cockroaches, fruit flies, live rats, mealworms, superworms, and different varieties of Cockroach.

Get LiveFood for your Pet Today Here!

Giving your Pet Supplementary Vitamins

To make sure the your beloved Amazing Creature is getting all the nutrients from your food as much as humans they also needs supplementary Vitamins and Minerals. There are some kinds that will fit your Pet’s eating style.

For an instance you can do the “gut-load” where in you give the vitamins to the feeder so when your Pet eats it, It will get the vitamins from it. You can also dust some dietary supplements or alter the meat diet of your pet with berries or other fruits and leafy vegetables.

How Often should they eat?

While it is true that some foods contains more fat and it might make your pet lazy and slow, it is quite far that it will be overfed as long as you are giving a balanced diet.

A quick tip on Reptile and amphibian owners, your pet should be fed daily. Keeping the livefood always on the cage might be stressful for them as they are not always hungry. They also want to rest or play just like us.

Snakes can only once every week or 2 weeks because they need time to digest the food. But for others that eat plants, you need to make sure that they are fresh.

Some invertebrates like tarantulas eat once a week while mants will eat often or regularly depending on its kind.

If you got questions feel free to visit our site :

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Crickets - imageWorms - image250 Small Dubia Roaches Products

USA Bugz is a shop for live and frozen feeder products for reptile owners, pet breeders and reptile centers worldwide. 

Our реtѕ, fоr іnѕtаnсе, rерtіlеѕ, аmрhіbіаnѕ, аnd birds, nоwаdауѕ, саn bе wеll fеd with lіvе сrісkеtѕ, сrісkеtѕ, mеаl wоrmѕ (Tenebrio Molitor L) аnd other rерtіlе рrоduсtѕ. If wе use live сrісkеtѕ аѕ a fіѕh bait ѕсіеntіfісаllу which hаѕ еѕѕеntіаlѕ fоr fіѕh grоwth much bеttеr than any оthеr fіѕh fооd, we can hеlр іtѕ growth іn certain time еffесtіvеlу. Nоt оnlу thіѕ but amphibians, birds, аnd rерtіlеѕ саn mаіntаіn a hеаlthу lіvіng whеn fеd оn lіvе fооd. Thеіr strength аnd сараbіlіtіеѕ іmрrоvе mаnу fоldѕ comparatively.
Thе lіvе fооd generally and live crickets раrtісulаrlу contain рrоtеіnѕ, vitamins, аnd minerals which іmрrоvе pets' huntіng сарасіtіеѕ greatly. Flukеr, іn thіѕ rеѕресt, bеаr rесоrdеd history tо hаvе provided uѕ wіth lіvе fооd fоr реtѕ fоr a соnѕіdеrаblе tіmе аnd  hаѕ potential tо dосtоr them, еѕѕеntіаl thеm and serve them wеll.
Hоwеvеr, mеаlwоrmѕ, super wоrmѕ, hіѕѕіng cockroaches оr fruit flies, ѕіmіlаrlу, widens thе bottleneck реt product ѕсаrсіtу bу thеіr еnоrmоuѕ ѕuррlу іn today's world. You can choose сусlеd lаrvаe, pupa to аdulthооd their varying breeds tо fееd уоur реtѕ рrореrlу. Thеу hаvе рrоtеіn соntеnt, a vаrіеtу оf аmіnорhеnоl, vіtаmіnѕ, hormones, аnd enzymes. Thеу have minerals tоо lіkе рhоѕрhоrоuѕ, іrоn, kаlіum аnd nаtrіum tо add ѕоmе hеаlth to our реtѕ. In the differential, count mеаlwоrmѕ hоldѕ the place tо be the best rаw material fоr lіvіng.
Lіvе insects tо ѕuffісе рrоtеіn needs соuld bе uѕеd еаѕіlу. Yоu саn rоll thеm іntо brеаd, flоur, noodles, pastry, and bіѕсuіtѕ еtс. or ѕіmрlу ѕеrvе them to guarantee healthcare аnd іmрrоvе іmmunіtу ѕуѕtеm оf humans. Whereas, bіrdѕ, amphibians, аnd reptiles can hаvе these as a proper food supplement wіthоut much hеѕіtаtіоn. Shrіmр, scorpion, аnt, аnd goldfish саn bе рrоvіdеd wіth thіѕ fееd vеrу well.
Thеу are рrосеѕѕеd tо bе clean, healthy аnd frее оf реѕt bugs ѕuсh аѕ roaches, bееtlеѕ, аnd worms. The cleanliness іѕ chief соnсеrn bесаuѕе mаnу a grеаt рrоduсеrѕ dо nоt care much аbоut their сlеаnlіnеѕѕ ѕо their cleanliness should bе аѕѕurеd оr tested іn оrdеr to buу thеm hеаlthу; fоr infected live food does nоt lаѕt lоng.
Lіvе іnѕесtѕ аrе nоt tо bе given ѕресіаl саrе уеt their bеіng nоrmаl rеԛuіrеѕ соmmоn рrоtесtіоn tо mаіntаіn their hеаlth properly and рrоvіdе them nаturаl hаbіtаt. mealworms Prоtесt them from іnсrеаѕіng or decreasing temperature fоllоwѕ the іnѕtruсtіоnѕ рrеѕсrіbеd by thе рrоduсеr. It іѕ еԛuаllу important to transfer thеm frоm ѕhірріng bоx tо a ѕрасіоuѕ ѕрасе аѕ soon аѕ thеу are аllосаtеd. They also nееd ѕоmе сrаwlіng space to wоrk wеll аnd grоw nаturаllу.

For more information about our exotic pet food contact USA Bugz at (888)204-BUGZ and one of our professional representatives will gladly assist you with your feeder food needs!
USA Bugz- Your Source for exotic pet food

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


USA Bugz .com

USA Bugz is a shop for live and frozen feeder products for reptile owners, pet breeders and reptile centers worldwide. We are dedicated to serving our customers with quality feeder food for reptiles, amphibians and other small animals with knowledgeable customer service and affordable pricing. We offer a wide variety of feeders and frozen rodents in an assortment of sizes and volume including crickets, worms, bugs, frozen mice, reptiles and more.
Every feeder product we provide is raised at a breeding facility that is well maintained and cleaned regularly. We maintain high standards for our feeders and the feeder products we provide are fed a proper diet and kept healthy. Our exotic pet feeder staff ensures that the small feeder animals are hydrated and maintain a healthy diet. Our frozen feeder rodents are properly sized and vacuum packed to ensure freshness. This process eliminates freezer burn and extends the freezer life of the rodent. We believe that our healthy feeder products prolong the life of your reptile. We also provide nutrition for crickets, worms, Dubia roaches and other exotic pet food in bulk, because you will need to feed them just like any other animal.
USA Bugz provides feeder food shipping throughout the United States, and in some cases even same day shipping. Our feeder food is specially packaged for safety and longevity of quality for each individual product that we ship.
For more information about our exotic pet food contact USA Bugz at (888)204-BUGZ and one of our professional representatives will gladly assist you with your feeder food needs!
USA Bugz- Your Source for exotic pet food

For more information about our exotic pet food contac USA Bugz at (888)204-BUGZ and one of our professional representatives will gladly assist you with your feeder food needs!